Our Story
YourMarketer started to better respond to marketplace changes like recession, market downturns, and COVID-19. In a crisis, it is often the core support staff, including marketing, who are the first to be impacted as ‘non-essential’ costs. In reality, times of economic volatility are when you need marketing support the most. YourMarketer bridges the gap between marketers and businesses. While other sites provide freelancers, we focus on delivering first-rate, experienced individuals who can help your business grow while keeping your payroll streamlined.
Founder and CEO

Jennifer Palmer Farrington leads YourMarketer LLC and is a seasoned marketing executive with over 20 years of marketing, consulting, new business development and client management experience – from the initial creative concept to implementation and revenue stream.
She is a former award-winning Chief Marketing and Business Development Officer for the U.S. independent member public accounting & consulting firm, overseeing all marketing and business development functions, including the relaunch of their new global brand and improving their overall Net Promoter® Score by 30 points in two years, and generating new business opportunities.
Jennifer brings both Big 4 and global experience to her clients. Prior experience includes: Chief Marketing Officer for Buck Consultants, National and Regional Director of Marketing (Northeast) for Grant Thornton LLP and Director of Marketing (Compensation Consulting) for PricewaterhouseCoopers. In each of these roles she built visionary teams that delivered successful brand re-launches, increased sales, and engaged colleagues at all levels through educational webcast series and clear corporate communications.
Jennifer and her team are ready to share their power-house experience to help bring your organization to the next level.
Jennifer received her dual Bachelor of Art degree in psychology and communications from Bethel College, Indiana and received multiple Platinum and Gold awards from MarCom Creative and from the Association for Accounting Marketing.
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